Kingstown Furniture invest into another Altendorf WA6
Altendorf WA6 provides 'great value' for Kingstown Furniture
Following on from the success of the last Altendorf WA6 purchased by Kingstwon furniture back in July 2016, when another Sliding table saw was required by the Hull based luxury Bedroom Furntire manufacture, Kingstown were quick to ask for another Altendorf. Having been proud owners of an Altendorf Elmo 4 for many years, when the space requirements meant it was time for a change, the Altendorf WA6 was once again their prefered choice. R&J Machinery were once again contacted to supply and commission anPlease s Altendorf WA6 With a 2.6m sliding table and 1.0m rip fence, the footprint for the WA6 is very compact, yet the machine still offers excellent accuracy and reliability at a very competitive price. R&J Machinery were also able to take the Elmo 4 in part exchange to make room for the new machine.
We would like to thank Kingstown Furniture for the valued order and look forward to helping them further in the future.
Please see our video below for details on the the key features of the Altendorf WA6.
If the machine could be of interest to you, please feel free to contact our sales team on 01455 840224.
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